Risk Engineering
In the financial arena, we offer qualified engineering services input to facilitate the risk management decisions on “retention and/ or transfer” considerations.
This is of particular interest to corporation risk managers, insurance brokers and underwriters specifically in the equipment and machinery intensive industries such as the oil and gas, power generation, chemical and petrochemical, mining, pulp and paper and to some extent, automotive and pharmaceuticals.
Although the algorithm for risk engineering and equipment condition assessment is somewhat established and claimed to be followed by all practitioners of this field, we claim to offer the highest standards and unparalleled service due to our bespoke methodology that has resulted from years of professional practice, research and cataloguing of damage mechanisms, study of human behaviour and man/ machine interaction and specifically, a methodology that encompasses the realities of today’s financial world and the huge race for shaving expenses and optimizing the proverbial bang for the (maintenance) buck.
B&M Risk Advice’s promise to you is a customised approach in alignment with your corporate philosophy and culture that will enrich and guide the retention and/ or transfer of your equipment risk; a promise that you can bank on!
Code Consultancy
B&M Risk Advice Inc. offers ASME Code consultancy and Quality Management expertise. If you are contemplating transitioning into a code fabrication shop or applying for an owner user authorized inspection agency status, our consultants would be happy to help you.
Source Inspection
For your quality control inspections before shipment, our National Board Commissioned Authorized shop inspectors (A Endorsement) and Authorized inspection Supervisors (B Endorsement) shall ensure that the pressure vessel or component is fabricated in full compliance with your engineering specification and as per the applicable Code.
Design Registration in Canada
Our professional engineers offer the design review and stamping of your pressure objects intended for export and use in Canada. Pressure objects in all categories shall be first submitted for registration before contemplating export to Canada.